Sunday, February 25, 2007

How to (just kidding): Eradicate Japa inacue

Jose Miguel visited the Peruvian Amazon basin and got this itchy bug, locally called izango. I advised him to rub the skin with Peruvian pisco (a kind of brandy) and after a few minutes dust the affected area with sand.
The rationale for this "treatment" is this: first, the bugs get drunk and become aggressive. They start throwing sand particles and stone themselves to death. [Disclaimer: I haven't tried this, and its efficacy is more than dubious. When I got izangos near the Amazon river, I just let them die out naturally, they will not reproduce outside a tropical area].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My God, what a memorie! The "healing" was known by us since the 70's when we were young and used to travel often to Puerto Bermudez and live there for some time, in the middle of the Peruvian jungle.
Cheers! let's have a Pisco!